Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 8 - San Francisco to Leggett to Ukiah

David - finding that the car would actually fit in the Drive Thru Tree with heaps (millimetres) to spare; driving through the Drive Thru Tree no less than three times. To all the doubters (you know who you are), it was 100 percent, absolutely, totally, Awesome.

Megan - seeing 'Foamhenge' on the TV (it's exactly what it sounds like); spending an obscene amount of money on uber kitsch souvenirs at the uber kitsch gift shop at the Drive Thru Tree. Awesome.

Bridget - having apple pie and icecream at 'Mom's Apple Pie' in Sebastoppel. Awesome.

Declan - videoing the 10 second drive through the Drive Thru Tree; finding my lost wallett in the bottom of my suitcase and not in San Francisco. Awesome

Patrick - going over the Golden Gate bridge and actually being able to see almost all of it after almost all of the fog lifted; having wild blueberry pie and icecream at 'Mom's Apple Pie'. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I'm wondering whether the uber kitsch souvenirs are more uber kitsch than Foamhenge?!
